About Farmer Frau

This is a story about my journey.

I work with incredible women and am continuously inspired by them. They have made me what I am today. From inspiring heads of European Union Secretariats and Environmental Charities to woman farmers and herbalists, cultivating organic herbs, fruit and vegetables with compassion. All these women and others have impacted my life. This blog celebrates this and more – inspired by wonderful women.

It’s been a long time in the making, but the time to work the land has finally arrived!

In April 2015, I started work on the land. On a stock-free organic farm in Northern Germany where I am learning the practicalities of being an organic farmer. Now I’m looking for my own piece of Land together with my business partner to start our own Farm site.

How did I get here?

My career in farming started when I got my first dream job – setting up a local food cafe in Rotherhithe, London. That was in 2005. I’m not exactly sure how I got that first job as I had no experience in catering or in farming (I’ve got a degree in engineering!?), but I did have a love for food and farming with care and looking after our planet. This first job, was the beginning of a journey that has taken me to realising that for me, changing the way I live and work is the only thing I can do to make a difference. I hope that I’m making one.

After a small but intense burn out I found myself working for a small South London-based environmental charity as a fundraiser, biding my time, until I could start a food project. That time finally came, I raised a million pounds and got to work for three years, setting up a community farm together with a colleague and working with the local catering services and the local hospital to get them to change their catering practices to more sustainable procurement practices. The funding ran out and it was time to move on.

I bought a camper van, packed up a few of my belongings and drove around Northern Europe in the summer of 2012 to WWOOF on organic farms. That adventure introduced me to Gärtnerhof Bienenbüttel. Two and a half years later, having run a successful organic box scheme in North London on my return from my travels, here I am. Back in Northern Germany.


Random things about me that are really not worth knowing:

I grew up in the Netherlands.
I used to work for the European Union in Denmark.
I love licorice.