Links I like

Interesting Farms and stock-free farming I like or have been involved in

Gärtnerhof Bienenbüttel (DE) – where I’m doing my organic apprenticeship
Organiclea (UK) – where I worked for two years and LOVED!
Sutton community farm (UK) set this up together with an inspiring woman (not stock-free)
CSA Wildwuchs in Hannover (DE) – amazing people, amazing project
Growing with Grace (UK) – my future business partner and all round amazing woman is head grower here (2015)
Tolhurst Organic (UK) – stock-free organic farm and where my colleague and brilliant female friend did a short term placement
Rote Beete (DE) – CSA and coop doing radical collective financing (not stock-free)


Beekeeping sites I like

At the Apriary – Urban London Beekeeping blog written by a very good friend of mine
Natural Beekeeping Trust – what inspired me to start beekeeping. Run by inspiring Women!
Hampshire beekeeper who does organic beekeeping
Treebeekeeping international (in German and English)
Sabienen Imkerei – an incredible woman who teaches Treehive building in Paderborn (DE)
Mellifera – Sustainable beekeeping (wesensgemäße Bienenhaltung) Association in Germany

Organic farming links of interest – organic certification in Germany – another organic certification in Germany – organic certification in the UK – amazing organic seed UK – open pollinated seeds!!! no patents on seeds thank you very much in German and English – great seeds lots of variety for the gardener (in German only) Smaje‘s blog on small farm issues. Very interesting

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